The Kiwi Club and Wings Foundation
An important collaborator for American Airlines flight attendants

One of Wings Foundation’s important benefactors is The Kiwi Club. The 31 Kiwi Club chapters have contributed nearly $786,577 since 1996, allowing Wings to continue the good work of our flight attendant charity.
What a wonderful gift you have given to your brothers and sisters at American Airlines!
Volunteers are the driving force behind this nonprofit and I welcome you to share your ideas, concerns and your time. Please know that you are always invited to participate in any Wings benefit or fundraising event.
Thank you for your generosity and I look forward to meeting you, my fellow Kiwis.
Kazumi Chapa
Kazumi Chapa
Former President, Wings Foundation, Inc.

The Kiwi Club
A social and charitable organization for former and current American Airlines and American Eagle/Envoy Flight Attendants,
including those flight attendants from airlines acquired by or merged with American Airlines.